Taiyanglong Medical participates in the compilation of the group standard "Anesthesiology Depar

2023-11-10 15:21 Taiyanglong Medical

The anesthesiology department is a reflection of a hospital's comprehensive strength and is an important platform department. In 2022, the National Health Industry Enterprise Management Association initiated the project, jointly led by the Operating Room and Related Controlled Space Branch of the National Health Industry Enterprise Management Association, the lifetime professor of the Department of Anesthesiology at the affiliated Ruijin Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, and the President of the Anesthesiologists Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, Yu Bu, to compile the 'Anesthesiology Department Construction and Equipment Configuration Standards.' Sun Dragon Medical, as one of the participating units, participated in the standard development work. T/NAHIEM 93-2023 'Anesthesiology Department Construction and Equipment Configuration Standards' was officially released and implemented on November 10, 2023.

Address:Bode Road, Guankou Industrial Zone, Liuyang Hunan
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